Monday, August 09, 2004

Monday's Cosmetic Surgery News

Ok, so it's monday...I had just finished typing my post for today and something happened to my computer and I lost everything I had typed! :( Anyways, today I just wanted to mention 2 headlines that came to my mind related to cosmetic surgery and that I wanted to share with everybody reading this blog.

First of all, Cosmetic Surgery Vacations. Can you believe there are tons of women from the US now traveling to SouthEast Asia and Central America to get plastic surgery done? They are going for facelifts, breast implants and nose jobs but some of them are coming back with more than they wanted, such as infections and defective procedures. Be careful! That's why at Cosmetic we make sure to provide you with the information you need to make a smart decision.

And last but not least, Plastic Surgery before the Wedding. More and more women and their moms are going in for nips and tucks as soon as they find out they are getting married. Surgeons in Northern California have noticed a 300% increase in this kind of patients. I read one about this girl that went in for a rhinoplasty and another one about the mom that went in for a facelift. I guess you want to make sure you look good when all the attention is focused on you, right?

Ok, that's it for today!

Friday, August 06, 2004

Welcome to MY blog

Hi, my name is Diana and today is the first day of the blog. I'll talk about new procedures, cosmetic surgery in the news and what other patients have to say about it and about their doctors. I'm excited about this, hopefully you'll enjoy the topics discussed on this blog.
Ok, I don't have more to say other than Welcome and hope to see you back soon!
